Romance Reads To Devour 8/23

Romance Reads To Devour 8/23

Hot Stuff
Max Monroe


Have you ever seen a fireman who’s so insanely sexy you’d actually consider DIY-ing a little at-home arson just so he’d show up at your front door?

Dramatic, I know, but hear me out.

Chiseled hot body, bright blue eyes, and the sexiest smile I’ve ever seen—the first time I saw Garrett Alexander in my exam room, it took everything inside me not to do something crazy like mount him during his yearly physical.

Not only is he a total babe, but he’s charming, hilarious, and the kind of single dad that would make your ovaries explode—the total freaking package.

I know you’re probably wondering, What in the heck are you waiting for, girl? Go get yourself a fireman!

But, see, there’s one teeny-tiny (read: huge) problem—if we got together, we’d have to keep our relationship a secret.

I know. Who even am I? Some heroine in a freaking forbidden romance novel?

Let me guess, now you’re probably thinking…Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Don’t do it, girl. Don’t fall for the sexy, off-limits man. It’s not worth it.

Well, too late. I already went and did it.

And I have a feeling this fire of ours is going to go up in a big, mushroom-cloud-worthy, ball of figurative smoke.


Midnight Rendezvous
Anya Summers

She is untouchable. Forbidden.

His best friend’s stunning, maddening, and deeply stirring younger sister has always been completely off limits. Asher has been fighting the clawing desire to touch her for years.

But when Emilia unexpectedly appears at his office with danger stalking her, he can’t say no.
She chose to ask him for help. For protection. Asher will shield her with both his body and his badge and suffer in agony as he keeps his hands to himself.

Yearning for her surrender, craving her passion, is wrong. He made a vow to her brother never to touch her, and he is a man of his word. A man of honor.

Emilia made no such promise. She craves Asher’s touch.

Even if the heat they generate incinerates them both.

“Handcuff me to a FBI agent! Heat, danger, and a protective hero combined to captivate me in a story I couldn't put down!” – Pepper North, USA Today Bestselling Author


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Bare Ass in Love
Sasha Burke

The woman's killing me.

I'm not the kind of man who would normally even consider blurring the lines between landlord and tenant or boss and employee, but Summer is a walking temptation. Neurotic and obsessive when it comes to work details, sure, but a damn cute temptation nevertheless.

She's been a good tenant and an even better worker. Plus, she doesn't simper or throw herself at me like a lot of women who find out my net worth. I've grown…fond of her, oddly enough.

But if she drags me out of bed in the middle of the night to talk about work one more time…

* * * * *

The man's a saint.

Not only did Jason hire me for the greatest project I've ever run point on, but he also let me move into an amazing loft in his building as an extravagant job-relocation perk. Sure, he can be a grouch when I accidentally wake him up to go over the project, but he's still a saint nevertheless.

He's been a fantastic boss and a surprisingly protective landlord. But…when did his shoulders get so wide? And why is that growling voice of his making me all weak in the knees lately?

Also, is it still considered morning wood if it happens in the middle of the night…or something more?
